Created by Heather Anderson-Santin, and featuring a ride led by Josh Taylor
Rhythm riding and power training are often considered to be opposite styles of indoor cycling. But they can actually exist in the same class! This course reveals they are like yin and yang. They are incomplete apart but perfect together. Let’s explore how riding to the beat of the music and matching movement to rhythm and refrain can enhance the Spinning® experience. This course will break down the walls between rhythm and power and demonstrate how to use all tools seamlessly to create rides with the perfect balance of music and metrics. Learn to use the power of rhythm to train smart, improve performance and achieve results all while grooving to the beat!
This course is for you if:
- You teach Spinning® or indoor cycling classes on bikes with power measurement.
- You want to learn how to use music to create structure, evoke emotion and drive performance.
- You are passionate about music, performance training or both!
- You need to earn CECs for your Spinning® certification
This course includes a:
- Video presentation with a Spinning® Master Instructor.
- Video class to see and experience the skills in action.
- Downloadable slide presentation.
- Class profile with coaching notes that you can use in your own classes.
- Self-assessment learning activity to see and evaluate your teaching skills.
Course Duration: 2 hours plus a 1-hour self-assessment learning activity completed on your own.
Continuing Education Credits:
3.0 SPIN® CECs
2.0 AFAA
0.2 ACE
Available Course Credits
0.20 |
2.00 |
Spinning® |
3.00 |
Course Procedure
- Enroll in the course.
- View the course content.
- Take the test. (You must score 80% to pass. If you do not pass, you may retake the test.)
- Print your certificate of completion.
Course Content
Welcome to the Power of Rhythm in Spinning®
| Module | | |
Master Instructor Presentation
| Module | | |
Applied Learning
| Module | | |
Learning Activity
| Module | | |
| Module | | |
After you enroll, you’ll get an email with a link to start the course and complete it at your own pace. It’s not required to have a bike of your own to complete this course, but it’s recommended that you complete the ride and learning activity on a bike.
Upon completion, you’ll receive confirmation of your CECs earned.